What is the structure of a cell membrane? phospholipid bilayer Do animal cells have cell membranes? yes Do plant cells have cell membranes? yes Do animal cells have cell walls? no Do plant cells have cell walls? yes What kind of organisms other than plants sometimes have cell walls? bacteria What is the term for a membrane that is permeable to some substances but not others? selectively permeable What molecule forms the head of a phospholipid? phosphate What molecules form the tails of a phospholipid? fatty acids How many tails does a phospholipid have? 2 What molecule links the head and tail of a phospholipid? glycerol What does the word "glycerol" mean? sweet alcohol How many carbon atoms are there in a glycerol molecule? 3 Which end of a phospholipid is hydrophilic? head Which end of a phospholipid is hydrophobic? tails What does the word "hydrophilic" mean? water loving What does the word "hydrophobic" mean? water hating In a phospholipid bilayer, what parts of the two layers touch each other? tails In a phospholipid bilayer, what parts of the two layers face into and out of the cell? heads Of what monomers are proteins made? amino acids What determines the order of amino acid monomers in a protein? DNA base pair triplets What are triglycerides more commonly called? fats What molecule makes up the head of a triglyceride? glycerol What kind of molecules make up the tails of a triglyceride? fatty acids How many fatty acids in a triglyceride? 3 What term describes a protein permanently embedded in a membrane? integral What term describes a protein temporarily attached to a membrane? peripheral How many rings of carbon atoms are there in a typical cholesterol molecule? 4 Is cholesterol mostly produced by animal or plant cells? animal What organelle do eukaryotes have that prokaryotes lack? nucleus What does the word "eukaryote" mean? true kernel Is a human a eukaryote or a prokaryote? eukaryote Is a plant a eukaryote or a prokaryote? eukaryote Is a bacterium a eukaryote or a prokaryote? prokaryote Is a fungus a eukaryote or a prokaryote? eukaryote Is a cyanobacterium a eukaryote or a prokaryote? prokaryote Is a paramecium a eukaryote or a prokaryote? eukaryote What is a an older, outdated term for cyanobacterium? blue-green alga What is the name of the theory that some organelles in eukaryotes evolved from invading prokaryotes? endosymbiont What does the word "endosymbiont" mean? living together inside According to endosymbiont theory, what two organelles evolved from invading prokaryotes? chloroplasts and mitochondria What is a solution with higher solute concentration than a reference solution called? hypertonic What does the word "hypertonic" literally mean? over stretching A cell placed into a solution hypertonic to it will ________. shrivel What is a solution with lower solute concentration than a reference solution called? hypotonic What does the word "hypotonic" literally mean? under stretching A cell placed into a solution hypotonic to it will ________. swell What structure prevents plant cells from bursting when placed in a hypotonic solution? cell wall What does the prefix "iso-" mean? same What is a solution with the same solute concentration than a reference solution called? isotonic In passive transport, which direction along the concentration gradient do molecules move? high to low In active transport, which direction along the concentration gradient do molecules move? low to high Does passive transport use ATP? no Does active transport use ATP? yes Is simple diffusion a form of passive or active transport? passive What is the movement of water down its concentration gradient through a semipermeable membrane called? osmosis Is osmosis a form of passive or active transport? passive What process brings substances into a cell by enclosing them in a membrane and budding off a vesicle? endocytosis What does the word "endocytosis" mean? inside cell What process moves substances out of a cell by merging a vesicle containing them with the cell's outer membrane? exocytosis Is endocytosis a form of passive or active transport? active What does the word "exocytosis" mean? outside cell Is exocytosis a form of passive or active transport? active Is osmosis a form of passive or active transport? passive What do facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common? proteins